高爾夫球會 Golf Club |
會籍類別 Membership Type |
球會價 Golf Club Price |
二手價(HKD) 2nd Hand Price |
月 租(HKD) Rental Fee |
月 費 Monthly Fee |
轉提名人費 Renomination Fee |
轉手費 Transfer Fee |
查詢? Enquiry? |
愉景灣高爾夫球會 Discovery Bay Golf Club |
個人 (債券會員) Individual Debenture Type |
$4.0m | $2.90m | N/A | $3,800 (effective Jan 2023) & $800 for food & beverage | N/A | $800,000 | 查詢 |
公司 (債券會員) Corporate Debenture Type |
$5.0m | $2.50m | N/A | $3,800 (effective Jan 2023) & $800 for food & beverage |
$60,000 | $800,000 | 查詢 | |
公司 (三提名人) Corporate 3 |
$7.0m | $6.80m | N/A | $3,800 (effective jan 2023) & $800 food & beverage |
$60,000 | $1,000,000 | 查詢 | |
香港哥爾夫球會 Hong Kong Golf Club |
公司 Corporate |
was $15,000,000 (Dec 2021) $16,800,000 (effective Jan 2022) |
$14,500,000 ** our sales team are knowledgeable, experience handling the variety sales, pleasure explaining steps & procedures requested by club, pls call |
N/A | $3400 and $800 for food & beverage |
$50,000 | 20% of $17,200,000 = $3,440,000 (for the transfer fee) |
查詢 |
清水灣鄉村俱樂部 Clearwater Bay Country Club |
公司 Corporate |
was $1.485m was $1.665m (effective July 2021) $1.80m (effective July 2022) |
$2.1m (shelf transfer) | N/A | >$2,365 monthly >F&B $1500 quarterly |
adm fee $80,000; nomination fee $20,790 | for shelf transfer, only have to pay adm fee & re-nomination fee | 查詢 |
個人(家庭) Individual (Family) |
was $990,000 was $1.110m (effective July 2021) $1.20m (effective July 2022) |
all Sale & Purchase are matching by the Club; pls call the Club at 2335 3700 for registration, ~ estimated queue up time over 3 years (FYI) only |
N/A | >$1,960 monthly >F&B $1500 quarterly |
N/A | variable | 查詢 | |
清水灣高爾夫球鄉村俱樂部 Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club |
公司 Corporate |
was $7.50m was $8.25m (effective July 2021) $9.0m (effective July 2022) for purchase of "corporate" type membership, shall register directly with the Club, and queue up time around 2-3 yrs |
"SHELF" for Sale > $9,600,000.- pls give us call 2882 1350 |
N/A | >$3090 monthly >F&B $1500 quarterly |
for SHELF transfer, fees payable to Club:- >$300,000 adm fee >$69,300 renomination, for more than 12 mths since last change; and >$138,600 less than 12 mths since last change |
>>note:- children cards enjoy Club facilities up to Age 20 |
查詢 |
澳門高爾夫球鄉村俱樂部 Macau Golf & Country Club |
個人(家庭) Individual (Family) |
closed | $1,050,000 | NIL | $2,100 | NIL | $185,000 | 查詢 |
公司 Corporate |
closed | $1,150,000 | $2,200 | $2,100 | $45,000 | $195,000 | 查詢 | |
平日個人(含配偶) Weekday Individual (with spouse) |
closed | $850,000 | N/A | $1,330 | N/A | $31,500 | 查詢 | |
平日公司 (含配偶) Weekday Corporate (with spouse) |
closed | $850,000 | N/A | $1,330 | $6,250 | $36,500 | 查詢 | |
行政單身卡 (平假打球) Executive single (weekday & weekends) |
closed | $930,000 | N/A | $2,100 | $45,000 | $132,500 | 查詢 | |
公司 (雙提名) Corporate 2 |
N/A | $2,100,000 | N/A | @$2,100 | 45,000 | $331,500 | 查詢 | |
深灣遊艇會 Aberdeen Marina Club |
個人(家庭) Individual (Family) |
was $4,200,000 $4,800,000 (effective 8/2021) |
$2,650,000 | N/A | $2,990 | N/A | Was $1,380,000 $1,580,000 (effective Aug 2021) |
查詢 |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
was $4,200,000 $4,800,000 (effective 8/2021) |
$2,700,000 | N/A | $2,990 | $45,000 | Was $1,380,000 $1,580,000 (effective Aug 2021) |
查詢 | |
公司 (雙提名) Corporate 2 |
closed | $6,400,000 | N/A | $2,990 | $45,000 each | $3.16m (effective Aug 2021) for Corp II, if split to 2, extra fee $600K (TBC) added on each membership |
查詢 | |
黃金海岸鄉村俱樂部.遊艇會 Gold Coast Yacht & Country Club |
公司( 鄉村俱樂部)單提名 Country Club (Corporate 1) |
$298,000 | $220,000 | N/A | $950 | $3,500 | $95,000 | 查詢 |
個人(遊艇會) Individual (Yacht Club) |
$358,000 | $250,000 | N/A | $1,050 | N/A | $127,500 | 查詢 | |
公司(遊艇會)單提名 Yacht Club (Corporate 1) |
$468,000 | $330,000 | N/A | $1,050 | $4,500 | $144,300 | 查詢 | |
香港木球會 Hong Kong Cricket Club |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
$1,888,000 (from 2018) $2.888,000 effective 27.2.2023 |
$1,200,000 | $5,200 | $1,770 | $30,000 | was $377,600 $577,600 effective 27 feb 2023 board meeting twice monthly, every 8th-10th |
查詢 |
紀利華木球會 CCC Craigengower Cricket Club |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
closed | $1,400,000 | $4,000 | $980 | $25,000 | $90,000 | 查詢 |
九龍木球會 Kowloon Cricket Club |
公司 Corporate |
$1,300,000 | $1,150,000 | $2,800 | $1,400 | 40,000 | $300,000 | 查詢 |
香港足球會 Hong Kong Football Club |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
$3,300,000 (8/2022) |
$2,950,000 | 11,000 | $1,525 & $590 carpark label fee | $6,000 yearly | $400,000 | 查詢 |
九龍太平洋會 The Pacific Club |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
Was $1,030,000 $1,300,000 (effective Dec 2021) |
$1,200,000 | $6,800 | $2,650 | $18,000 | Was $439,000 $713,000 (effective Dec 2021) |
查詢 |
個人 Individual |
Was $840,000 $1,100,000 (effective Dec 2021) |
$1,200,000 | N/A | $2,650 | N/A | Was $359,000 $623,000 (effective Dec 2021) |
查詢 | |
公司 (雙提名) Corporate 2 |
TBA | TBA | $6,800 each | @$2,650 | $18,000 | TBA | 查詢 | |
皇朝會 Dynasty Club |
家庭 Family Club |
$450,000 | $280,000 | N/A | $3,050 | N/A | $190,000 effective 1/6/2022 $180,000 |
查詢 |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
$600,000 | 300,000 | $1,000 | $3,250 | $18,000 | $260,000 effective 1/6/2022 $250,000 |
查詢 | |
錦綉花園鄉村俱樂部 Fairview Park Country Club |
個人 Individual |
$43,800 | $43,800 | N/A | $1,600 | N/A | $27,000 | 查詢 |
中華遊樂會 Chinese Recreation Club |
個人 Individual |
$1,800,000 *waiting list | $1,750,000 | N/A | $1,050 | N/A | $180,000 | 查詢 |
又一村花園俱樂部 Yau Yat Chuen Garden City Club |
個人 Individual |
closed ($700,000 ref only) |
$480,000 | N/A | $950 | N/A | $175,000 | 查詢 |
滬江維多利亞 VSA Victoria Shanghai Academy |
個人 Individual |
closed | $3.8m (rare in market) debenture value 800K |
N/A | N/A | *Enrollment date from Sept each year* | variable | 查詢 |
公司 Corporate |
closed | $5.2m debenture value $2.5m/3.5m |
N/A | N/A | *Enrollment date from Sept each year* | Corporate debenture holder entitle apply for any year of the School | 查詢 | |
清水灣遊艇會 Clearwater Bay Marina Club |
公司單提名(短期船位) Corporate (Short Term Berth) |
$795,000 | variable | N/A | $2,020+Berth mgt fee +S/T Lease Fee | $38,500(<1yr), $11,500(>1yr) | Club Price less Face Value/2 | 查詢 |
個人(短期船位) Individual (Short Term Berth) |
$530,000 | variable | N/A | $1,905+Berth mgt fee+ S/T Lease Fee | N/A | Club Price less Face Value/2 | 查詢 |
高爾夫球會 Golf Club |
會籍類別 Membership Type |
球會價 Golf Club Price |
二手價(RMB) 2nd Hand Price |
月 租(RMB) Rental Fee |
月 費 Monthly Fee |
轉名費 Renomination Fee |
轉手費 Transfer Fee |
查詢? Enquiry? |
西麗高爾夫鄉村俱樂部 Xili Golf & Country Club |
個人 Individual |
was 1,920,000 (effective May 2021) was 2,020,000 (effective sept 2021) 2,200,000 (effective May 2022) |
2,200,000 | NIL | 2,070 | NIL | 300,000 | 查詢 |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
was 2,150,000 (effective May 2021) was 2,250,000 (effective Sept 2021 2,400,000 (effective May 2022) |
2,400,000 | 10,500 | 2,070 | 40,000 | 400,000 | 查詢 | |
沙河高爾夫球會 Sand River Golf Club |
白金公司(單提名,假12次/年,冇附卡) Platium (One Nominee, 12 times/yr weekends) |
610,000 | 580,000 | nil | 600 | 20,000 | 66,000 | 查詢 |
白金公司(雙提名,假12次/年.冇附卡) Platium (Two Nominee, 12 times/yr weekends) |
950,000 | 1,000,000 | nil | 600 | 20,000 | 132,000 | 查詢 | |
個人全會籍 Individual Full Membership |
935,000 | 880,000 | NIL | 760 | NIL | 3~5yrs RMB240,000, 5~8yrs RMB120,000, 8yrs RMB60,000. |
查詢 | |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
1,000,000 | 830,000 | nil | 860/220 spouse | 30,000 | 125,000 | 查詢 | |
都市個人(平日,假12次/年,冇附卡) City Individual, 12times/yr weekends |
550,000 | 630,000 | NIL | 600 | NIL | 2~5yrs RMB120,000, 5~8yrs RMB60,000, 8yrs RMB30,000 |
查詢 | |
精英個人 (平日) Weekdays (Individual) |
440,000 | 500,000 | NIL | 600 | NIL | 2~5yrs RMB100,000, 5~8yrs RMB50,000, 8yrs RMB25,000 |
查詢 | |
都市公司 (平日卡,假12次/年) City Corporate |
570,000 | 710,000 | NIL | 760 | 20,000 | 62,000 | 查詢 | |
觀瀾湖高爾夫球會 Mission Hills Golf Club |
特許鑽石(個人) Chartered Diamond (Individual) |
1,980,000 | 650,000 | NIL | 1,900 (fees waived only for 1st hand buyer) | NIL | 148,000 | 查詢 |
特許鑽石(公司單提名) Chartered Diamond (Corporate 1) |
1,980,000 | 640,000 | 3,800 | 1,900 (fees waived only for 1st hand buyer) | 18,000 | 158,000 | 查詢 | |
鑽石(個人) Diamond (Individual) |
1,000,000 (closed) | 455,000 | NIL | 1,900 | NIL | 148,000 | 查詢 | |
鑽石(公司) Diamond (Corp I) |
1,080,000 (closed) | 445,000 | 1,400 | 1,900 | 18,000 | 158,000 | 查詢 | |
鑽石(公司雙提名) Diamond (Corp II) |
1,880,000 (closed) | 720,000 | @1,200 | 1,900 | 18,000 | 236,000 | 查詢 | |
東莞金 (公司單提名) Dongguan Gold (Corp1) |
730,000 (closed) |
180,000 | 500 | 1,900 | 18,000 | 108,000 | 查詢 | |
東莞金 (個人) Dongguan Gold (Individual) |
730,000 (closed) |
190,000 | NIL | 1,900 | NIL | 103,000 | 查詢 | |
東莞金 (公司雙提名) Dongguan Gold (Corp II) |
closed | 280,000 | 500 each | 1,900 | 18000 | 163,000 | 查詢 | |
綠寶石 (個人) 平日 Emerald (Individual) |
498,000 | 315,000 | N/A | 850 | N/A | 50,000 | 查詢 | |
紅寶石(公司) 深圳場 Ruby (Corp I) Shenzhen course |
348,000 | 185,000 | 750 | 850 | 10,000 | 53,000 | 查詢 | |
綠寶石 (公司雙提名) Emerald (Corp II) |
N/A | 480,000 | NIL | @850 | NIL | 80,000 | 查詢 | |
綠寶石(公司單提名) Emerald (Corporate) |
498,000 | 298,000 | 1,500 | 850 | 10,000 | 53,000 | 查詢 | |
深圳金 (個人) Shenzhen Gold (Individual) |
730,000 (closed) |
180,000 | NIL | 1,900 | NIL | 103,000 | 查詢 | |
深圳金 (公司單提名) Shenzhen Gold Corp 1 |
730,000 (closed) |
125,000 | 500 | 1,900 | 18,000 | 108,000 | 查詢 | |
深圳金 (公司雙提名) Shenzhen Gold Corp 2 |
980,000 (closed) |
225,000 | @500 | @1,900 | 18,000 | 163,000 | 查詢 | |
翡翠 (個人) Jade (Individual) |
closed | 130,000 | NIL | 1,350 | NIL | 35,000 | 查詢 | |
翡翠 (公司單提名) Jade (Corporate 1) |
closed | 160,000 | 900 | 1,350 | 9,000 | 40,000 | 查詢 | |
商務 (個人) Advantage (Individual) |
closed | 140,000 | NIL | 750 | NIL | 29,000 | 查詢 | |
商務 (公司單提名) Advantage (Corporate 1) |
closed | 130,000 | 900 | 750 | 7,000 | 31,000 | 查詢 | |
商務通(公司) Advantage Plus (Corporate 1) |
closed | 280,000 | 1700 | 880 | 9,000 | 47,000 | 查詢 | |
商務通(個人) Advantage Plus (Individual) |
closed | 300,000 | NIL | 880 | NIL | 44,000 | 查詢 | |
深圳名商高爾夫球會 ShenZhen Noble Merchant Golf Club |
個人 Individual |
388,000 | 275,000 | NIL | 500, 430spouse |
NIL | 78,800 | 查詢 |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
388,000 | 275,000 | NIL | 550, 430spouse |
74,800 | 78,800 | 查詢 | |
航港高爾夫球會 Shenzhen Airport Golf Club |
個人(家庭) Individual (Family) |
closed | 88,000 | NIL | 500 | NIL | 27,700 | 查詢 |
東莞長安高爾夫鄉村俱樂部 Long Island Golf & Country Club |
天子公司(冇附卡) Islander Corporate |
360,000 | 160,000 | NIL | 800 | NIL | 83,000 | 查詢 |
天子個人(冇附卡) Islander Individual |
360,000 | 160,000 | NIL | 800 | NIL | 72,000 | 查詢 | |
個人(家庭) Individual (Family) |
580,000 | 210,000 | NIL | 800 | NIL | 116,000 | 查詢 | |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
580,000 | 210,000 | 700 | 1100 | 18,000 | 127,000 | 查詢 | |
銀利高爾夫俱樂部 Yinli Foreign Investor Golf Club |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
closed | 80,000 | NIL | 500 | 10,000 | 38,000 | 查詢 |
個人(家庭) Individual (Family) |
closed | 80,000 | NIL | 500 | NIL | 38,000 | 查詢 | |
峰景高爾夫球會 Hillview Golf Club |
個人 Individual |
550,000 | 250,000 | NIL | 600/300 spouse | NIL | 55,000 | 查詢 |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
650,000 | 250,000 | 2,700 | 600/300 spouse | 10,000 | 65,000 | 查詢 | |
東莞海逸高爾夫球會 Harbour Plaza Golf Club |
個人 Individual |
480,000 | 250,000 | NIL | 800 | NIL | 96,000 | 查詢 |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
515,000 | 250,000 | 2,400 | 800 | 15,450 | 103,000 | 查詢 | |
珠海翠湖高爾夫球會 Lakewood Golf & Country Club |
個人(單身) Individual (single) |
600,000 | 250,000 | NIL | 620 | NIL | 90,000 | 查詢 |
個人(家庭) Individual (Family) |
750,000 | 315,000 | NIL | 620 | NIL | 112,500 | 查詢 | |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
880,000 | 320,000 | 1,500 with spouse card |
620 | 13,200 | 132,000 | 查詢 | |
公司 (雙提名) Corporate 2 |
1,180,000 | 450,000 | $1300 no spouse card |
620 | 8,850/each | 177,000 | 查詢 | |
公司 (三提名人) Corporate 3 |
1,480,000 | 680,000 | $1300 no spouse card |
620 | 7,400/each | 222,000 | 查詢 | |
蓮花山高爾夫球會 Lotus Hill Golf Club |
個人(家庭) Individual (Family) |
closed | 150,000 | NIL | 400 | NIL | 30,000 | 查詢 |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
closed | 150,000 | 1,500 with spouse card | 400 | 3,000 | 16,500 | 查詢 | |
公司 (雙提名) Corporate 2 |
closed | 220,000 | 1,300 no spouse card | 400 | 3,000 | 24,000 | 查詢 | |
棕櫚島高爾夫渡假村 Palm Island Golf Resort |
個人(家庭) Individual (Family) |
400,000 | 180,000 | NIL | 1,000 | NIL | 60,000 | 查詢 |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
460,000 | 180,000 | 700 | 1,000 | 4,500 | 70,000 | 查詢 | |
中山長江高爾夫球會 Agile Golf & Country Club |
個人 ( B 場) Individual B course |
450,000 | 180,000 | N/A | 700 | N/A | 54,000 (12% on list price) | 查詢 |
公司 (雙提名) Corporate 2 |
NIL | 800,000 (A&B course) |
NIL | 6000/year 3600 spouse |
18000 | 121320 | 查詢 | |
鑽石(個人) Diamond (Individual) |
526,000 (1/2021) | 290,000 (A&B courses) |
NIL | 6000/year 3600 spouse |
NIL | 1st&2nd time transfer rmb62,120 afterward 20% of listed price |
查詢 | |
鑽石(公司) Diamond (Corp I) |
548,000 (1/2021) | 320,000 (A&B courses) |
2800 | 6000/year 3600 spouse |
17,740 | 1st&2nd time transfer 65,760 afterward 20% of listed price |
查詢 | |
中山溫泉高爾夫球會 Chung Shan Hot Spring Golf Club |
個人 (白卡) Individual (white card) |
closed | 250,000 Arnold Palmer (old course) |
NIL | 1500 | transferred once if purchased before 9/1987 | 200,000 | 查詢 |
公司單提名 (白卡) Corp I (white card) |
closed | 270,000 Arnold Palmer (old course) |
NIL | 1500 | 30,000 | 200,000 | 查詢 | |
公司三提名人 (白卡) Corporate 3 (white card) |
closed | 450,000 Arnold Palmer (old course) |
NIL | 1500 | 30,000 | 300,000;分柝售加5萬一張 | 查詢 | |
個人 (金卡) Individual (Gold card) |
500,000 non-transferable |
450,000 transferble Arnold & Jack courses |
NIL | 1500 | NIL | 150,000 +50,000 for Jack Nicklausdebenture if applicable |
查詢 | |
公司單提名 (金卡) Corporate 1 (Gold) |
900,000 | 470,000 Arnold Palmer & Jack Nicklaus |
NIL | 1500 | 30,000 | 250,000 | 查詢 | |
公司三提名人 (金卡) Corporate 3 (Gold) |
1,500,000 | 800,000 Arnold Palmer & Jack Nicklaus |
NIL | 1500 | 30,000 | 450,000;分柝加5萬一張 | 查詢 | |
麓湖高爾夫鄉村俱樂部 Lu Hu Golf & Country Club |
個人 Individual |
closed | 190,000 | NIL | 820 | NIL | 41,250 | 查詢 |
公司(單提名) Corporate 1 |
closed | 200,000 | 1,400 | 820 | 16,500 & (11.000 founder member) |
46,750 | 查詢 | |
個人 (金卡) Individual (Gold card) |
closed | 480,000 | 1,400 | nil | 16,500 & (11,000 |
79,750 | 查詢 | |
廣州荔湖高爾夫球會 Sino Golf & Country Club |
公司 (雙提名) Corporate 2 |
Closed | 550,000 * 4 nominees entitle |
NIL | 3600/year | NIL | 90,000 | 查詢 |
以上價目以人民幣為標準 Above prices are in China RMB |